Resilience-oriented reforms start with strong communities which develop their security and safety on the ground

Riga Conference Discussion "Looking forward Ukraine: Future of Security. Cooperation Between Ukraine, NATO and the EU" was held on April 14, 2021
Riga Conference Discussion "Looking forward Ukraine: Future of Security. Cooperation Between Ukraine, NATO and the EU" was held on April 14, 2021
The event was organized by the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation (LATO) and Kyiv Security Forum.
Dmitri Teperik, ICDS Chief Executive (Estonia) / Programme Director ‘Resilient Ukraine’ moderated the discussion and stressed the importance of bottom-up approach in the ongoing reforms in Ukraine:
"Resilience-oriented reforms start with strong communities which develop their security and safety on the ground."
Dmitri Teperik also emphasized the fact of the current security threats to Ukraine being both possible and plausible,and stressed that "international attention to Ukraine is a very hard currency to the nation and we should keep its value high".
Dmitri Teperik summed up by outlining that "estern solidarity has a strong deterrent effect on Putin's Russia. “Ukraine has a lot of friends and supporters in the Baltics and across the world and we have to work together in helping Ukraine in its reforms and transformation processes," concluded Dmitri Teperik.
The Resilient Ukraine team has been engaged in information, communication, digital and cognitive security analytics since 2016 with a strong focus on Ukraine.
Recording of the conversation can be watched herе.