Preparations for the programme "Train the trainers"

The programme "Train the Trainers" is based on a synergistic combination of the updated methodology of cross-sectoral crisis simulation exercises and an adapted approach to interpreting the main principles of Ukraine’s societal resilience in the context of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine.
The strategic goal of this event is to train new agents of community resilience who are able to share the training experience through a greater involvement of various to conduct cross-sectoral crisis exercises in Ukraine's regions for strengthening resilience, public safety and security on local level.
The training programme includes general modules and workshops aimed at deepening the understanding of "resilience," "crisis," "risks," "crisis management," and "communication". As a learning outcome, trainees will get skills to plan and prepare simulation exercises and develop mechanisms for cross-sectoral interaction in the communities of Dnipro and Odesa regions.
The main topics of the training will include:
Introduction about the "Resilient Ukraine" programme
Local communities and groups of interest in the context of resilience
Crises through the prism of social psychology
Crisis management and cross-sectoral cooperation
Scenario building, modelling simulation and logistics planning
The project's expert team:
Dmytro Teperik, Resilient Ukraine Programme Director
Mati Raidma, Member of the Estonian Parliament, UN crisis expert, former Director of the Estonian Rescue Department
Kaisa Üprus-Tali, expert in humanitarian crisis management, Head of the Department of Refugees and Social Integration in Tallinn, Estonia
Andriy Zagorodsky, communications expert
Ihor Trydub, facilitator, psychologist, expert on countering human trafficking
Dmytro Kuznetsov, facilitator, expert on participatory and civic engagement
Ivan Vartovnyk, expert on countering disinformation
Vadim Ivanov, EU crisis expert, crisis director of the Estonian Social Welfare Board
Oleh Pokalchuk, social and military psychologist, lecturer in strategic communications at the SSU Academy
Iryna Raboshtan, communications expert
Among others, successful participants will obtain from the training::
profound knowledge of the role and capabilities of local communities and groups of interest in advancing societal resilience
Methods to build scenarios, modell simulations, and planning training logistics
understanding of analytical approach to risk forecasting and crisis management
networking with various representatives from different spheres of public life
the opportunity to become a part of the international community
an official certificate to confirm the training in conducting crisis exercises on local level
The project is implemented with the support of the Embassy of Estonia in Kyiv.